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The Struggle of a Wanna-Be Author

Aka Naksha

I have been dabbling at creative writing since I have been 13 years old, whether it's a story about Hindu mythology, my travels or not your typical love story. Sometimes I write an idea, an outline or even start a book. Recently, I have been working on completing my stories and have two full length novels. Well, as complete as I can make them.

Right now, my challenge is the publishing process. A part of me is terrified to put my work out there! And I am struggling with the editing, agents and self publishing. There is no definite path. I know I will figure it out and get there, just need to keep moving forward.

I am also passionate about what I have to say and want to share it with the world. It might not follow current events, world views, politics or social justice, but it is from the heart. I enjoy being a story-teller and have some interesting tales to tell. I look forward to continue writing and hopefully some of you will the pleasure of reading some of it.

In a previous post, I discussed finding my happiness. I have realized we live in a complex world and happiness is not an easy thing to obtain. But I have found that there are a few things that make me smile. Writing, working, friends and my children. I have also discussed pushing boundaries and being trapped in traditional views. I have decided that my soul needs more than what tradition can offer and will do what it makes to make it happy. There are no labels or definitions, just to be me.

As I call it a struggle, I also call it a passion, a journey and a way of life that this Wanna-Be Author hopefully gets published someday.

Whether you are an avid reader, enjoy writing or are somewhere in between. I am happy to be able to share my would-be author journey with you.

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